Best Tips for Extending Your iPhone's Battery Life

Have you ever felt panic when your phone battery is at 5%? especially you are outdoors, can't find any plug to charge it, nothing goes with you, you may feel frusrated at that moment. But today what we will talk is not only about the phone battery low power, but also the charging issues. Such as, no little lightning symbol appears next to the icon, no happy little electronic beep to signify charging. You are trying to do it, but no idea about it, then these tips may can help you fix your iPhone about this problems, here we will are happy to do that.

Almost all of peopel will focus on the charging port, the charging port is where we connect the phone. This is often a lightning connector on newer iPhone models or micro-USB ports. As we known, we can use the lightning connector to charge the battery, with other devices like external monitors, laptops, speakers etc. So it is a great possibility to get damaged.

It seems we have found the murderer, so we need to do something. Actually we are not strange with the way i will mention, we usually will have a examation on your body, so do the phone battery. Recently i noticed a phone battery detect tool which describes it can be used to check the battery life, the cycle and the health, so i would rather to advise this.

Well, i guess you may be not professional for this, but for those professional phone repair shop, they will choose the Micro Dock U2 Board to test the charging port, while it is cheaper, you just need a multi-meter, then you can get the data you want. Antoher, you can compare it with ZXW Dongle shows.

For most of commone users, they may don't know these tools, so it is necessary for you to keep the following tips:

First off, you’re going to need to determine if it’s your phone, the charger, or a combination of the two that has problems. If your charger will charge another device, then it’s definitely your iPhone that has an issue. If your charger won’t juice any device, then it’s likely broken.

If you’ve determined that it is indeed the charger causing your iPhone stop charging, you’ll need to next figure out if it’s the adaptor or cable that is broken. Use a different cable with the same adaptor and phone to see if it works. If it does, then the other cable is faulty. If it doesn’t work, it’s probably the power adaptor. Confirm this by using the cable, phone, and a different power adaptor you have on hand.

After that, you may will transfer your attention to the another parts, the lightning cable. There is only one thing you can try to do it by yourself, According to our experience, Apple's cable usually will become fray and weaken over time at the spot where the cable meets the port. So if you can't fix it after you tried the above mentioned way, we can try to use a strong and original Apple lightning cable. Or you can try to use a strong tape, like gaffer or duct tape, to reinforce and strength it. 

Actually, there are plenty of ways you can take to prolong the life of your iPhone charger, even the iphone battery, don't throw it around, each time when you need to charge it, be gentle, thought you still need to replace it when use a period of time, but it can prolong the life properly. The better care you take of it, the less likely it is the cable will fray and break.

Ok, the last but not least, we advise you had better clean the port and dust regularly, casue we ever met the situation before, if dust and gunk get into the port, it also can casue the charging problems, so don't ignore anything, usually the detail can judge a great thing, at least it can help you save money. 

Well, if you have any more good ideas, welcome to leave comments on our web, or talk with us on


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