FIXD: iPhone 6S doesn't boot after dropped

An iPhone 6S doesn't boot after dropped, it has no response when we press the iPhone power button, we need to fix it. Carefully disassemble the iPhone 6S, remove the iPhone display assembly, disconnect the iPhone battery, and then take out the iPhone motherboard.

Connect iPhone motherboard to DC power supply, there is no current. The iPhone motherboard doesn’t have an obvious short-circuit phenomenon. 

Short connect boot pin, and then turn it on, the current tested is larger than normal, which means that a voltage in the boot circuit is short-circuited.

Use digital multimeter to measure the diode data of main power supply for each circuit on the iPhone motherboard, we found the diode data of PP_CPU voltage is smaller than normal value. 

Because there are many components are connected to the PP_CPU, so we are going to use rosin method to find out the short circuit part.  

Put iPhone under the Stereo Zoom Microscope, apply rosin to the soldering iron tip, and them smoke the rosin evenly on the surface of each component. Short connect boot pin to turn on the iPhone, we found the rosin of the C2006 capacitor next to the iPhone CPU melted quickly.

Check iPhone 6S schematic diagram via WUXINJI Dongle, and then carefully remove the C2006 capacitor. Now measure the diode data of PP_CPU voltage, the data tested is normal. 

Install the iPhone motherboard, and connect the iPhone display screen, now the iPhone can be turned on properly. The repairs end!

Tips: If you want to learn more about phone repair guides, you can check out


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