iPhone 6S no sound when it in hands - DIY FIX IT!

A iPhone 6S user complained to the question that his iPhone 6S no sound when it in speaker mode problem. it bothers him,  how to solve this problem quickly. Today, VIP Pro Shop Team will share some free methods for you. It can get your phone back to work.

Received an iPhone 6S, which has this problem and it has been repaired several times, but the speaker still not working.  First, disassemble the iPhone by phone opening tools, take off the iPhone motherboard, and observe it under the 7-45X Trinocular Stereo, the audio amplifier chip and vibration control chip has been repaired. 

Because the two chips are of the same type, the previous maintenance personnel might not know which one was audio amplifier chip. The material object of amplifier chip and vibration control chip are shown in picture 4-93. In fact, U3800 is used to drive the vibrator and U3700 is used by the audio amplifier chip to drive speaker. As the two chips are of the same type, they can be exchanged with each other as well as with that of iPhone 6.

Tear down the audio amplifier chip U3700 bus and then use multimeter to measure the diode data to ground of power supply and of the bus runs toward CPU, the data is normal. But the diode data of pin A2 connected to boost inductor L3700 is 550 higher than the normal about 330 which is the same as that of main power supply PC_VCC_MAIN. The diode data between L3700 and pin A2 is about 200.

Check the iPhone schematic diagram on WUXINJI Dongle, the diode data of the two pins should be connected. We cannot figure out where the additional 200 comes from. Jump a wire from the pin 2 of L3700 to the pin A2 of U3700, and measure it again, now the diode data is normal.

Finally, install the audio amplifier chip to iPhone, assemble iPhone and get into IOS to test, iPhone 6S has no sound when it in speaker mode. The iPhone 6S has been repaired!

Tips: If you need more information and professional repair skilled, you want to consult, please check Here. We'll give you a free answer. 


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