Fast Solution For iPad Air 2 Touch Screen not working

We are going to fix the iPad Air 2 Touch Screen Cannot Work issue, according to the customer’s description, it is available to boot normally, the problem is that the iPad touch screen has no response. So how to solve it? Follow these steps, your iPad Air 2 Touch Screen will soon be normal work.

1. First of all, we are going to measure the iPad touch power supply, however, we can't find PPVDD_STINGER_BOOST voltage.

PPVDD_STINGER_BOOST bitmap position of iPad as shown in picture 8-8-1.

PPVDD_STINGER_BOOST principle Ipad Schematic Diagram, as shown in picture 8-2

2. Diode value of L4001 inductor cannot be found when measuring with multimeter. As shown in picture 8-8-3.

3. So we have to replace a new L4001 replacement parts. In order to ensure the stability of the iPad, after replacing the L4001, by the way, D4001, C4014 and C4017 are replaced together. As shown in picture 8-8-4.

4. Connect and reboot the iPad Air 2 to measure the value again, we find PPVDD_STINGER_BOOST shows 20V voltage now. As shown in picture 8-8-5.

5. Finally, the touch function is tested as normal and the iPad motherboard is repaired successfully.

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