iPhone 7 Common Issues - Here's The Real Fix!

Iphone7 has always been a topic that people like to talk about, including some problems that occur after using a period of time, IPhone7 began to have a lot of glitches, people want to know the method,But no one summed up the steps and methods of iphone7 specific solution, Here are 5 Biggest ways to Fix iPhone 7 Common Issues, VIP Pro Shop will offer some solutions to help your phone fixes.

 Common iPhone 7 problems and How to easily fix them:

1.  iPhone 7 speaker problem

This is a common problem faced by many when opting for iPhone repairing in different phone fix shops. There are many threads in Apple' s discussion forums where iPhone owners have reported this particular problem. How to deal with the very common problem?

Easy Solution: 

Try and go to Settings>Sounds and then drag the Ringer and Alerts slider to raise the volume. You can also check the Ring/Silent switch on the side of the phone and set it to Orange and Silent.

2. The hissing sound emanating from your iPhone 7

Many iPhone owners complain of the hissing noise that comes from the back of the device. The sound becomes more apparent when an app or a game is running. This means that the processor is running overboard. This could also mean that the phone is under a lot of stress.

Easy Solution: 

There is absolutely no fix for this in an iPhone repairing shop. If the phone is troubling you big time, you need ask the retailer for a replacement fast.

3. iPhone 7 is not able to activated

 If you are receiving messages about the troubles of accessing the server, Apple must be simply struggling to cope with the volume of people that are trying to access it.

Easy Solution: 

Do not use the cellular connection and switch to Wi-Fi instead. Try turning the phone on and off by pressing and holding the Sleep or the Wake button and then drag the slider to turn of the device.

4. iPhone 7 Poor battery life

The battery for iPhone 6S was not as good as the 7th version. The iPhone 7 has a larger battery along with a far more efficient A10 Fusion chip. The battery often drains out with no resolution in sight. 

Easy Solution: 

you can update to iOS10.3.2 and your battery will be updated in no time. You can also head to Setting>Battery and turn on the Low Power Mode to stretch the battery even more. You should be able to turn off the applications that seriously ruin your iPhone 7 battery.

5. iPhone 7 headphone jack

Apple decided to reinvent the headphone jack and is relying on the standard port for the charging and listening to music. You have to use the Lightning port and cannot charge the phone when you are using the headphones. There could be some workarounds, but there is no solution that works in the long run.

Easy Solution: 

There is an adapter that comes with the iPhone 7 in the package. You could also snag a Bluetooth adapter or even go wireless.

Tips: More repair iPhone free tips or other mobile phone repair details, you want to consult, please check here.


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